Gameety is a search engine exclusively for games.
On Gameety you will find all the websites and blogs on news, support, new releases and much more about the world of games and videogames.

By games we mean: board games, console/PC/smartphone games.
Each user can request to include their site or blog in this page.
Only gaming websites and blogs developed in accordance with all applicable rules and laws are accepted, and we reserve the right to reject any websites and blogs that we deem harmful to our platform and the users who use it.

NO piracy or illegal download of content.

Gameety is totally free and ad-free.
Gameety's only source of income is that deriving from present and non-invasive advertising to make navigation smoother and easier.
Furthermore, payments will never be requested from users as there is no profit purpose.

On Gameety you can request to add a simple url or an rss feed.
Gameety saves in its databases only and exclusively, for each website reported or RSS feed through the form, this data:

- Website Favicon
- Website title
- Brief description of the website
- Website URL

Feed Rss:
- Website Favicon
- Article title
- Article description
- Article URL

No other data is saved so as not to violate current IT security regulations.
The expected time for adding url or feed can be 1-3 days. After addition, the added rss feeds are scanned on average every 3 hours every day.

As regards the newsletters, only the email address of those who decide to receive the weekly or monthly news is saved.
At any time, any user can decide to deactivate the service.

Gemeety uses cookies and other related technologies (for convenience, all technologies are referred to as 'cookies'). Cookies are proprietary and placed by third parties.

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are simple files sent together with the pages of this site and saved by your browser on the hard drive of your computer or other devices. The information collected in them may be sent back to our servers or to third-party servers during your next visit.

2. Type of cookie

Technical or functional cookies
Some cookies ensure that the site functions correctly and that your preferences remain valid. By placing functional cookies, we make it easier for you to visit our website. This way you don't have to repeatedly enter the same information when you visit our website.

Statistical cookies
We use statistical cookies to optimize the website experience for our users. With these statistical cookies we obtain insights into the use of our website. We ask for your permission to place statistical cookies.

Marketing/tracking cookies
Marketing/tracking cookies are cookies, or any other form of local storage, used to create user profiles to display advertising.

On Gameety it is possible to earn based on the views of each page of your content.

Each view is worth €0.0001 and Gameety pays only and exclusively every 1000 monthly views.

Each user can request payment at any time, unclaimed monthly earnings will be added to subsequent ones.

To start earning, add your content by following the steps in this page.

For explanations and clarifications write to us at:

If you believe that a website or blog is harmful or should not be present, report it immediately by writing to:

To contact us about any errors, suggestions or collaborations write to us at:

We use our and third party cookies to personalize content, ads and analyze site traffic. Learn more