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15 hours ago
PlayStation State of Play confirmed for tomorrow, and if you even whisper the word Bloodborne, we'll cut you with a weird gothic sword
Sony has just revealed that it's putting on that rumoured State of Play showcase tomorrow, February 12. Nice, especially since it'll be the console m...

15 hours ago
Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered não serão censurado
A Aspyr e a Crystal Dynamics vão lançar Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered, uma coleção que reúne três títu...

18 hours ago
"Hubo momentos en que me desmayé". Tom Cruise volvió a llevar su cuerpo al límite en la nueva de Misión Imposible
En una entrevista con Empire, Tom Cruise contó que hubo momentos en que se desma...
21 hours ago
Freshly-released Baldur's Gate 3 custom campaign is all about finding "the dark secret of the Grand Theater", and your musical soul might be nicked in the process
Do you long to take your Baldur's Gate 3 gang somewhere a bit more cultured than the Lower City Sewers? Well, a new custom campaign mod looks like it...

21 hours ago
Chris Pratt pulverizó récords en Amazon con esta película de ciencia ficción, pero han pasado cuatro años y The Tomorrow War 2 aún no ha empezado ni a rodarse
En verano se cumplirán cuatro años desde el estreno de The Tomorrow War, una pe...