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4 hours ago
Pokemon TCG Pocket: Best Supporter Cards in Space-Time Smackdown
There are six new Supporters in Pokemon TCG Pocket, but here are the top picks for meta decks. ...
6 hours ago
Pokemon Fan Shares Neat Idea for Valentine's Day Convergent Luvdisc
A Pokemon fan shares an idea for a Valentine's Day-themed convergent of Luvdisc, and the community builds...
7 hours ago
Every Pokemon That Evolves With A Unova Stone In Pokemon GO
Pokemon GO features many unique ways to evolve various pocket monsters in the game. Here's every Pokemon ...

14 hours ago
Carte Prismatiche Pokemon spedite a peso d'oro da un negozio UK: ed è subito polemica
I fan di Pokemon GCC criticano la catena di negozi GAME per gli elevati costi di spedizione dei set di Carte Pokemon con le nuove Evoluzioni Prismatic...

5 days ago
Pokemon TCG Pocket: come ottenere le carte promo rare di Chimchar e Togepi
Scopri come ottenere le carte promo rare di Chimchar e Togepi in Pokémon TCG Pocket. Ecco tutti i dettagli per arricchire la tua collezione!Arriva un...

7 days ago
Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket: come ottenere 1000 Gettoni Scambio gratis
I giocatori di Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket possono ottenere ben 1.000 Gettoni Scambio gratis, ecco come fare.Come ben ricorderete, qualche giorno...

7 days ago
Find Pokemon TCG Pocket trading frustrating? Well, its devs are gifting everyone 1,000 trade tokens while they keep on working on those promised improvements
After Pokemon TCG Pocket's much-anticipated trading feature debuted to pretty mixed reaction, the game's developers were quick to commit to taking on...